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Search a Proficiency Testing (PT) scheme in the database

Page 2 of 398 (Hits 21 to 40 of 7960)
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945557 Pakistan Qarshi Research International Qarshi Research International Water Microbiology (Lyophilized Samples) Water Microbiology (Lyophilized Samples) 2025-01-17
146931 Czechia Brno University of Technology, Proficiency Testing provider at the SZK FAST Brno University of Technology, Proficiency Testing provider at the SZK FAST Strength and durability of hardened concrete [Pevnost a trvanlivost ztvrdlého betonu] Strength and durability of hardened concrete [Pevnost a trvanlivost ztvrdlého betonu] 2025-01-16
192368 Czechia Brno University of Technology, Proficiency Testing provider at the SZK FAST Brno University of Technology, Proficiency Testing provider at the SZK FAST Masonry units testing [Zkoušení zdících prvků] Masonry units testing [Zkoušení zdících prvků] 2025-01-16
146915 Czechia Brno University of Technology, Proficiency Testing provider at the SZK FAST Brno University of Technology, Proficiency Testing provider at the SZK FAST Soil testing Soil testing 2025-01-16
146885 Czechia Brno University of Technology, Proficiency Testing provider at the SZK FAST Brno University of Technology, Proficiency Testing provider at the SZK FAST Mortar and cement testing [Zkoušení malt a cementů] Mortar and cement testing [Zkoušení malt a cementů] 2025-01-16
146845 Czechia Brno University of Technology, Proficiency Testing provider at the SZK FAST Brno University of Technology, Proficiency Testing provider at the SZK FAST Aggregates testing [Zkoušení kameniv] Aggregates testing [Zkoušení kameniv] 2025-01-16
282572 Czechia Brno University of Technology, Proficiency Testing provider at the SZK FAST Brno University of Technology, Proficiency Testing provider at the SZK FAST Mechanical Properties of Plastics [Mechanické vlastnosti polymerů] Mechanical Properties of Plastics [Mechanické vlastnosti polymerů] 2025-01-16
146926 Czechia Brno University of Technology, Proficiency Testing provider at the SZK FAST Brno University of Technology, Proficiency Testing provider at the SZK FAST Steel testing [Zkoušení oceli] Steel testing [Zkoušení oceli] 2025-01-16
192347 Czechia Brno University of Technology, Proficiency Testing provider at the SZK FAST Brno University of Technology, Proficiency Testing provider at the SZK FAST Strength and elasticity of hardened concrete [Pevnost a pružnost ztvrdlého betonu] Strength and elasticity of hardened concrete [Pevnost a pružnost ztvrdlého betonu] 2025-01-16
1336486 Argentina ILT - Interlaboratory Test S.A. ILT - Interlaboratory Test S.A. ILT-U-1843 - Coating determination ILT-U-1843 - Coating determination 2025-01-15
1336477 Argentina ILT - Interlaboratory Test S.A. ILT - Interlaboratory Test S.A. ILT-U-3579 - Cyber Security for Consumer Internet of Things ILT-U-3579 - Cyber Security for Consumer Internet of Things 2025-01-15
1336433 Argentina ILT - Interlaboratory Test S.A. ILT - Interlaboratory Test S.A. ILT-U-2031 - Software static test: Code verification to ensure safety requirements ILT-U-2031 - Software static test: Code verification to ensure safety requirements 2025-01-15
1325997 Brazil Concreteste Tecnologia em Materiais Ltda Concreteste Tecnologia em Materiais Ltda Permanent Railing Systems for Buildings Proficiency Tests [Programa Interlaboratorial de Guarda-corpos permanentes para edificação] Permanent Railing Systems for Buildings Proficiency Tests [Programa Interlaboratorial de Guarda-corpos permanentes para edificação] 2025-01-14
1177240 United Kingdom Weqas Weqas Renal Calculi [Renal Calculi] Renal Calculi [Renal Calculi] 2025-01-14
1335505 Italy SA quality for metrology di Stefania Accorsi SA quality for metrology di Stefania Accorsi ILC011/C-2025 Torque Wrench 1000 Nm [ILC011/C-2025 Chiave dinamometrica 1000 Nm] ILC011/C-2025 Torque Wrench 1000 Nm [ILC011/C-2025 Chiave dinamometrica 1000 Nm] 2025-01-14
1135084 Colombia ENSAYOS DE APTITUD Y METROLOGÍA DE COLOMBIA S.A.S - PEAMCO S.A.S ENSAYOS DE APTITUD Y METROLOGÍA DE COLOMBIA S.A.S - PEAMCO S.A.S Error de exactitud [Accuracy error] Error de exactitud [Accuracy error] 2025-01-14
1328455 Colombia CENTRO DE CALIDAD E INNOVACION SAS CENTRO DE CALIDAD E INNOVACION SAS Calibration of sphygmomanometers proficiency testing program [Programa de ensayo de aptitud para calibración de esfignomanómetros ] Calibration of sphygmomanometers proficiency testing program [Programa de ensayo de aptitud para calibración de esfignomanómetros ] 2025-01-14
1328449 Colombia CENTRO DE CALIDAD E INNOVACION SAS CENTRO DE CALIDAD E INNOVACION SAS Calibration of Digital Vacuum Gauge proficiency testing program [Programa de ensayo de aptitud para calibración de vacuómetro digital ] Calibration of Digital Vacuum Gauge proficiency testing program [Programa de ensayo de aptitud para calibración de vacuómetro digital ] 2025-01-14
1328443 Colombia CENTRO DE CALIDAD E INNOVACION SAS CENTRO DE CALIDAD E INNOVACION SAS Calibration of Analog Vacuum Gauge proficiency testing program [Programa de ensayo de aptitud para calibración de vacuómetro analógico] Calibration of Analog Vacuum Gauge proficiency testing program [Programa de ensayo de aptitud para calibración de vacuómetro analógico] 2025-01-14
1328437 Colombia CENTRO DE CALIDAD E INNOVACION SAS CENTRO DE CALIDAD E INNOVACION SAS Calibration of Digital Pressure Gauges proficiency testing program [Programa de ensayo de aptitud para calibración de manómetros digitales] Calibration of Digital Pressure Gauges proficiency testing program [Programa de ensayo de aptitud para calibración de manómetros digitales] 2025-01-14
Page 2 of 398 (Hits 21 to 40 of 7960)
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