557574 |
Mexico |
X-ray diffraction for peaks position and relative intensities
[Ensayo de aptitud técnica en difracción de rayos X para posición de picos e intensidades relativas]
X-ray diffraction for peaks position and relative intensities
[Ensayo de aptitud técnica en difracción de rayos X para posición de picos e intensidades relativas]
2019-03-15 |
985619 |
Switzerland |
Woven fabrics; construction; determination of number of threads per unit length EN 1049-2:1994, ISO 7211-2:1984
Woven fabrics; construction; determination of number of threads per unit length EN 1049-2:1994, ISO 7211-2:1984
2023-02-16 |
680909 |
United Kingdom |
Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) Vetqas®
Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) Vetqas®
Worm egg count - PT 0114
Worm egg count - PT 0114
2020-05-15 |
367540 |
France |
Workplace exposures to chemical agents
[Expositions professionnelles aux agents chimiques dans l’air des lieux de travail]
Workplace exposures to chemical agents
[Expositions professionnelles aux agents chimiques dans l’air des lieux de travail]
2024-10-01 |
940591 |
Australia |
IFM Quality Services Pty Ltd
IFM Quality Services Pty Ltd
Working Voltage
Working Voltage
2023-11-06 |
1040626 |
Brazil |
Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo - IPT
Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo - IPT
Withstand voltage test and/or dielectric strength
[Ensaio de tensão suportável e/ou rigidez dielétrica]
Withstand voltage test and/or dielectric strength
[Ensaio de tensão suportável e/ou rigidez dielétrica]
2023-04-17 |
794086 |
Australia |
Whole Genome Sequencing Module
Whole Genome Sequencing Module
2020-10-23 |
132172 |
United Kingdom |
Institute of Occupational Medicine
Institute of Occupational Medicine
WHO/EURO Man-Made Mineral Fibre Reference Scheme
WHO/EURO Man-Made Mineral Fibre Reference Scheme
2018-08-23 |
411572 |
Finland |
White blood cell differential count: HemoCue, POCT
[Valkosolujen erittelylaskenta, HemoCue]
White blood cell differential count: HemoCue, POCT
[Valkosolujen erittelylaskenta, HemoCue]
2017-09-15 |
411562 |
Finland |
White blood cell count: HemoCue, POCT
[Valkosolujen laskenta, HemoCue]
White blood cell count: HemoCue, POCT
[Valkosolujen laskenta, HemoCue]
2017-09-15 |
135000 |
Germany |
muva kempten
muva kempten
Whey protein concentrate / Sodium-caseinate (type P)
[Molkenproteinkonzentrat / Natrium-Caseinat (Typ P)]
Whey protein concentrate / Sodium-caseinate (type P)
[Molkenproteinkonzentrat / Natrium-Caseinat (Typ P)]
2022-03-14 |
120765 |
Germany |
muva kempten
muva kempten
Whey powder (type G)
[Molkenpulver (Typ G)]
Whey powder (type G)
[Molkenpulver (Typ G)]
2023-01-17 |
899315 |
Netherlands |
Qlip B.V.
Qlip B.V.
Whey powder (chemical)
Whey powder (chemical)
2022-01-19 |
140352 |
Netherlands |
Qlip B.V.
Qlip B.V.
Whey (chemical)
Whey (chemical)
2022-01-19 |
489933 |
Brazil |
Z-Proficiency Test Ltda
Z-Proficiency Test Ltda
Wheat Flour Proficiency Test
[Ensaio de Proficiência em Farinha de Trigo]
Wheat Flour Proficiency Test
[Ensaio de Proficiência em Farinha de Trigo]
2018-06-06 |
139793 |
Kenya |
KEBS, Kenya Bureau of Standards
KEBS, Kenya Bureau of Standards
Wheat flour and Maize meal PT scheme
[East Africa Proficiency Testing Scheme (EAC PT)]
Wheat flour and Maize meal PT scheme
[East Africa Proficiency Testing Scheme (EAC PT)]
2023-08-08 |
405023 |
Mexico |
Mol Labs Ltda
Mol Labs Ltda
Wheat flour
[Harina de trigo]
Wheat flour
[Harina de trigo]
2019-09-20 |
859674 |
United Kingdom |
Welsh Assessment of Serological Proficiency Scheme (WASPS)
Welsh Assessment of Serological Proficiency Scheme (WASPS)
Welsh Assessment of Serological Proficiency Scheme
Welsh Assessment of Serological Proficiency Scheme
2024-10-01 |
553328 |
Mexico |
Best Reference S.A. de C.V.
Best Reference S.A. de C.V.
Weights calibration
[Calibración de pesas]
Weights calibration
[Calibración de pesas]
2019-03-15 |
130824 |
Portugal |
Portuguese Accredited Laboratories Association (RELACRE)
Portuguese Accredited Laboratories Association (RELACRE)
2021-03-12 |