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Withstand voltage test and/or dielectric strength

[Ensaio de tensão suportável e/ou rigidez dielétrica]

EPTIS factsheet 1040626 | Last revision 2023-04-17 | URL: https://www.eptis.bam.de/pts1040626 https://www.eptis.bam.de/pts1040626

PT provider
PT provider Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo - IPT Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo - IPT
Based in Brazil
Language(s) Portuguese
Remarks Withstand voltage; dielectric strength
Product groups Electrical / electronical devices
Laboratory / scientific equipment
Measuring instruments
Telecommunication equipment
Testing fields Electrotechnics / electronics
Safety evaluation
Technical details
Test item Tested property Testing method
Disruptive discharge simulator device Breakdown Voltage -
Aims of the PT scheme
Target group of participants Test laboratories
Linked to specific legislation / standards -
Additional, subsidiary aims
Number of participants 10
Accredited or otherwise reviewed by a 3rd party
Operation is commissioned / requested by -
Fees and frequency
Participation fee R$ 2000,00
Regularly operated Yes (2 years)
Year of first operation 2023
Contact details of the PT provider
Provider Contact person
Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo - IPT
Av Professor Almeida Prado, 532
05508-901 São Paulo, SP

Phone: +55 11 3767 4483
Fax: +55 11 3767 4018
Web: http://www.ipt.br http://www.ipt.br
Fabricio Gonçalves Torres
Phone: +55 11 3767-4483
Fax: 55-11-3767-4007
Email: fabrigt@ipt.br fabrigt@ipt.br
If you find any mistakes please contact the responsible EPTIS coordinator in Brazil, Mr José Ricardo Bardellini da Silva. Mr José Ricardo Bardellini da Silva.
Any questions or problems? Please contact us at eptis@bam.de.
Application version: 1.23-SNAPSHOT.20230502124635-7925ae379a631fc1ececff45d2921c8db38877d5