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Freezing point in raw milk

[Punto crioscópico en leche cruda]

EPTIS factsheet 495032 | Last revision 2023-07-25 | URL: https://www.eptis.bam.de/pts495032 https://www.eptis.bam.de/pts495032

PT provider
PT provider LACM/División de Metrología LACM/División de Metrología
Based in Chile
Language(s) Spanish
Remarks Accreditation number (ema): PEA-ENS-14 https://lacm-icytal.uach.cl/metrologia/
Product groups Agriculture
Food and drink
Testing fields Analytical chemistry
Technical details
Test item Tested property Testing method
Raw milk (cow) Freezing point of milk - cryoscopy ISO 5764 IDF 108
NCh 1742
Mid-Infrared (MIR) Spectroscopy
Aims of the PT scheme
Target group of participants Laboratories performing milk and dairy product analysis in Chile
Linked to specific legislation / standards
Additional, subsidiary aims
Number of participants 10 to 15
Accredited or otherwise reviewed by a 3rd party

Accredited by Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación, EMA acreditación N°PEA-ENS-14 on the basis of ISO 17043:2010

Operation is commissioned / requested by No
Fees and frequency
Participation fee Please contact us for this information
Regularly operated Yes (Biannual)
Year of first operation 2001
Contact details of the PT provider
Provider Contact person
LACM/División de Metrología
Universidad Austral de Chile, Campus Isla Teja S/N, Valdivia, Chile

Phone: 56-63-2221247
Fax: 56-63-2221245
Mrs Susan Poo
Phone: 56-63-2221247
Fax: 56-63-2221245
Email: susan.poo@uach.cl susan.poo@uach.cl
If you find any mistakes please contact the responsible EPTIS coordinator in Chile, Mr. Manuel Navarrete Rossel. Mr. Manuel Navarrete Rossel.
Any questions or problems? Please contact us at eptis@bam.de.
Application version: 1.23-SNAPSHOT.20230502124635-7925ae379a631fc1ececff45d2921c8db38877d5