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Global Proficiency: BeverageChek

EPTIS factsheet 141643 | Last revision 2023-06-09 | URL: https://www.eptis.bam.de/pts141643 https://www.eptis.bam.de/pts141643

PT provider
PT provider Global Proficiency Ltd Global Proficiency Ltd
Based in Australia
Language(s) English
Product groups Food and drink
Testing fields Analytical chemistry
Technical details
Test item Tested property Testing method
Wine & Grape Juice Acids / Acidity -
pH -
Acidity, titratable -
Acidity, volatile -
Acetic acid -
Citric acid -
Malic acid -
Alcohol -
Dissolved Gases -
Carbon dioxide -
Sulfur dioxide, free -
Sulfur dioxide, total -
Solids -
Clarity -
Dry extract, total -
Solids, total soluble -
Turbidity increase -
Stability -
Heat stability -
Tartrate stability -
KHT saturation temperature -
Sugars -
Sugars, reducing -
Sugars, total -
Fructose -
Glucose -
Glucose + Fructose -
Yeast Assimilable Nitrogen (Grape Juice only) -
Yeast Assimilable Nitrogen (YAN), total -
Primary Amino Acid Nitrogen (PAAN) & Ammonia -
Apple juice Acidity, titratable (as Malic acid) -
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) -
Brix -
pH -
Sorbic Acid -
Turbidity -
Orange juice Acidity, titratable (as Citric Acid) -
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) -
Brix -
pH -
Sorbic Acid -
Carbonated drinks Acidity (% Citric Acid) -
Alcoholic strength -
Benzoic Acid -
Brix -
Caffeine -
Carbonation (as CO2) -
Glucose + Fructose -
Gravity, specific -
pH -
Sorbic Acid -
Aims of the PT scheme
Target group of participants
Linked to specific legislation / standards
Additional, subsidiary aims
Number of participants
Accredited or otherwise reviewed by a 3rd party

Accredited by IANZ (New Zealand) on the basis of ISO/IEC 17043 for part of the parameters

Operation is commissioned / requested by
Fees and frequency
Participation fee on request
Regularly operated Yes (1 - 3 times per year)
Year of first operation 10+ years experience
Contact details of the PT provider
Provider Contact person
Global Proficiency Ltd
Unit 2/25 Mareno Road
Vic 3043 Tullamarine

Phone: +61 3 9089 1151
Web: http://www.global-proficiency.com http://www.global-proficiency.com
Ms. Sandra Mott
Phone: +64 7 958 7297
Email: sandra.mott@global-proficiency.com sandra.mott@global-proficiency.com
If you find any mistakes please contact the responsible EPTIS coordinator in Australia, Ms Luminita Antin. Ms Luminita Antin.
Any questions or problems? Please contact us at eptis@bam.de.
Application version: 1.23-SNAPSHOT.20230502124635-7925ae379a631fc1ececff45d2921c8db38877d5