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EPTIS Ringversuch Nr. 153265 | Letze Änderung 2023-11-07 | URL: https://www.eptis.bam.de/pts153265 https://www.eptis.bam.de/pts153265

Name des Anbieters
Name des Anbieters DRRR - Deutsches Referenzbüro für Ringversuche und Referenzmaterialien GmbH DRRR - Deutsches Referenzbüro für Ringversuche und Referenzmaterialien GmbH
Ansässig in Germany
Sprache(n) German/English
Anmerkungen Lactose free products need to have a lactose content < 0.1% lactose. To verify that one can determine lactose contents < 0.1 % is the scope of this proficiency testing. This proficiency testing scheme covers the value-assessing parameters in raw cream which are of great importance for dairy plants, veterinary and customs inspection service as well as for all food testing laboratories which cover the chemical raw cream testing in the scope of its test program. The microorganism E.coli is part of the intestinal microflora of humans and warm-blooded animals. Furthermore E.coli is used as an indicator organism for faecal pollution and hygienic parameter a lot of different foodstuff like milk products or meat products. Therefore we developed and established the present proficiency testing scheme. Representatives of the family Enterobacteriaceae can occur in the intestine of humans and animals but also in raw foodstuffs. In heated products there should be no Enterobacteriaceae. Therefore Enterobacteriaceae serve as hygienic parameter for the production process of a lot of foodstuffs like milk products or meat products and others. This PT scheme was developed and established because some pathogenic species can additionally cause diarrheal disease. Residential livestock like poultry or cattle can possibly be a reservoir for thermophilic Campylobacter species without any symptoms of illness. Therefore foodstuffs of animal origin (poultry, raw milk fish and seafood) are potentially contaminated. A contamination of these foodstuffs with Campylobacter can possibly cause diarrheal disease. Aerobic spore-forming bacteria usually occur in soil but also in meat, milk or herbal foodstuffs and can lead to taste changes and spoilage. These bacteria are able to survive the pasteurisation step using their heat-stable spore-form. Some of their pathogen representatives produce enterotoxins causing regurgitation or diarrhoea.
Produktgruppen Food and drink
Prüfgebiete Analytical chemistry
Sensory testing
Technische Einzelheiten
Prüfobjekt Prüfeigenschaft Prüfmethode
UHT milk (lactose free) Lactose (< 0.1 %) -
Raw milk frozen NPN -
Total lactic acid -
pH value -
Lactose -
Fat -
Dry matter -
Protein -
Freezing point -
Urea -
Casein -
Pesticides -
Goats's milk Fat -
Protein -
Freezing point -
Raw cream frozen Fat -
Dry matter -
Protein -
Sour cream, crème fraiche pH value -
Fat -
Dry matter -
Protein -
Evaporated milk Ash -
Fat -
Dry matter -
Protein -
Phosphorus -
UHT milk Lactose -
Fat -
Dry matter -
Protein -
Freezing point -
Density -
Milk frozen E.coli -
Campylobacter -
Enterobacteriaceae -
Aerobe spores -
Psychrotrophic bacteria -
EHEC O157 -
EHEC O104 -
EHEC Screening -
Total count -
Yeasts -
Geotrichum spp -
Milk (residues) PCB 101 -
Chloramphenicol -
Aldrin -
Dieldrin -
Trichlormethane -
Aflatoxin M1 -
Streptomycine -
Tetracycline -
Buttermilk Phosphatides -
Milk Triangle test, flavour taint -
Dairy drinks Fat -
Dry matter -
Protein -
Sucrose -
Glucose -
Lactose -
Milk ANTIBIOTICS Sulfonamides
Zielgruppe des Ringversuchs all laboratories
Relevante Rechtsvorschriften oder Normen
Weitere Ziele validation of testing methods
Teilnehmerzahl depending on test methods between 8 - 50 laboratoties
Anbieter unabhängig überprüft (akkreditiert, benannt, anerkannt)

Akkreditiert durch A2LA (USA) and DAkkS (Germany) auf der Grundlage von ISO/IEC 17043 nicht für alle Parameter

Die Durchführung des Ringversuchs ist in Auftrag gegeben durch
Teilnahmegebühr 169 - 310 Euro, depending on sample and parameters
Regelmässig durchgeführt Ja (several times p.a., dep. on sample and parameters)
Der Ringversuch wird durchgeführt seit 2007, 2016, 2017, 2020, 2023, 2024
Kontaktdaten des Anbieters
Anbieter Kontaktperson
DRRR - Deutsches Referenzbüro für Ringversuche und Referenzmaterialien GmbH
Reinhartser Straße 31
87437 Kempten

Telefon: +49 (0) 831/960 8780
Fax: +49 (0) 831/960 87899
Web: http://www.drrr.de http://www.drrr.de
Dr. Ulrich Leist
Telefon: +49 (0) 831/960 87878
Fax: +49 (0) 831/960 87899
E-Mail: info@drrr.de info@drrr.de
Haben Sie einen Fehler entdeckt? Bitte wenden Sie sich an den zuständigen EPTIS Koordinator für Germany, Mr Johannes van de Kreeke. Mr Johannes van de Kreeke.
Haben Sie Fragen? Senden Sie uns eine E-Mail: eptis@bam.de.
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