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637045 Spain TestQual, S.L. TestQual, S.L. TestQual 130 Pesticide residues in wheat flour and acrylamide in potato chips (2020) [TestQual 130 Plaguicidas en harina de trigo y acrilamida en patatas fritas (2020)] TestQual 130 Pesticide residues in wheat flour and acrylamide in potato chips (2020) [TestQual 130 Plaguicidas en harina de trigo y acrilamida en patatas fritas (2020)] 2019-12-13
PT provider ID (119359)

637053 Spain TestQual, S.L. TestQual, S.L. TestQual 131 N-nitrosamines and N-nitrosable compounds in inflatable ballons (toys) (2020) [TestQual 131 N-nitrosaminas y compuestos N-nitrosables en globos hinchables (juguete)(2020)] TestQual 131 N-nitrosamines and N-nitrosable compounds in inflatable ballons (toys) (2020) [TestQual 131 N-nitrosaminas y compuestos N-nitrosables en globos hinchables (juguete)(2020)] 2019-12-13
PT provider ID (119359)

637086 Spain TestQual, S.L. TestQual, S.L. TestQual 132 Pesticide residues in Vegetable material: Spinach(2020) [TestQual 132 Plaguicidas en Material vegetal: Espinaca (2020)] TestQual 132 Pesticide residues in Vegetable material: Spinach(2020) [TestQual 132 Plaguicidas en Material vegetal: Espinaca (2020)] 2020-07-14
PT provider ID (119359)

637091 Spain TestQual, S.L. TestQual, S.L. TestQual 133 Dithiocarbamates in apple (2020) [TestQual 133 Ditiocarbamatos en manzana (2020)] TestQual 133 Dithiocarbamates in apple (2020) [TestQual 133 Ditiocarbamatos en manzana (2020)] 2019-12-13
PT provider ID (119359)

637096 Spain TestQual, S.L. TestQual, S.L. TestQual 134 waste water and continental water in situ (2020) [TestQual 134 aguas residuales y aguas contientales in situ (2020)] TestQual 134 waste water and continental water in situ (2020) [TestQual 134 aguas residuales y aguas contientales in situ (2020)] 2019-12-13
PT provider ID (119359)

637124 Spain TestQual, S.L. TestQual, S.L. TestQual 135 Fosetyl, Phosphonic acid, maleic hydrazide and etephon in grape (2020) [TestQual 135 Fosetil, Ácido fosfónico, hidrazida maleica y etefón en uva (2020)] TestQual 135 Fosetyl, Phosphonic acid, maleic hydrazide and etephon in grape (2020) [TestQual 135 Fosetil, Ácido fosfónico, hidrazida maleica y etefón en uva (2020)] 2019-12-13
PT provider ID (119359)

813460 Spain TestQual, S.L. TestQual, S.L. TestQual 138 Pesticides Oat flour [TestQual 138 Plaguicidas en Harina de avena] TestQual 138 Pesticides Oat flour [TestQual 138 Plaguicidas en Harina de avena] 2020-12-22
PT provider ID (119359)

813466 Spain TestQual, S.L. TestQual, S.L. TestQual 139A Multyiycotoxins in paprika [TestQual 139A Multimicotoxinas en pimentón] TestQual 139A Multyiycotoxins in paprika [TestQual 139A Multimicotoxinas en pimentón] 2020-12-15
PT provider ID (119359)

813493 Spain TestQual, S.L. TestQual, S.L. TestQual 139B Multyiycotoxins in cornmeal [TestQual 139B Multimicotoxinas en harina de maíz] TestQual 139B Multyiycotoxins in cornmeal [TestQual 139B Multimicotoxinas en harina de maíz] 2020-12-15
PT provider ID (119359)

813520 Spain TestQual, S.L. TestQual, S.L. TestQual 140 Pesticides in Celery [TestQual 140 Plaguicidas en Apio] TestQual 140 Pesticides in Celery [TestQual 140 Plaguicidas en Apio] 2020-12-15
PT provider ID (119359)

813526 Spain TestQual, S.L. TestQual, S.L. TestQual 141 Dithiocarbamates in Arugula (Rocket) [TestQual 141 Ditiocarbamatos en Rúcula] TestQual 141 Dithiocarbamates in Arugula (Rocket) [TestQual 141 Ditiocarbamatos en Rúcula] 2020-12-15
PT provider ID (119359)

813531 Spain TestQual, S.L. TestQual, S.L. TestQual 142 Pesticides in vegetal material: Spinach leaves [TestQual 142 Plaguicidas en material vegetal: Espinaca] TestQual 142 Pesticides in vegetal material: Spinach leaves [TestQual 142 Plaguicidas en material vegetal: Espinaca] 2020-12-15
PT provider ID (119359)

813536 Spain TestQual, S.L. TestQual, S.L. TestQual 143 Pesticides in red wine [TestQual 143 Plaguicidas en vino tinto] TestQual 143 Pesticides in red wine [TestQual 143 Plaguicidas en vino tinto] 2020-12-15
PT provider ID (119359)

813724 Spain TestQual, S.L. TestQual, S.L. TestQual 144 Metals, anions, contaminants and physicochemical in Edible salt [TestQual 144 Metales, aniones, contaminantes y parámetros fisicoquímicos en Sal de mesa] TestQual 144 Metals, anions, contaminants and physicochemical in Edible salt [TestQual 144 Metales, aniones, contaminantes y parámetros fisicoquímicos en Sal de mesa] 2020-12-15
PT provider ID (119359)

813767 Spain TestQual, S.L. TestQual, S.L. TestQual 145 Pesticide residues and PCBs in vegetable oil (2021) [TestQual 145 Plaguicidas y PCBs en aceite vegetal (2021)] TestQual 145 Pesticide residues and PCBs in vegetable oil (2021) [TestQual 145 Plaguicidas y PCBs en aceite vegetal (2021)] 2020-12-15
PT provider ID (119359)

813774 Spain TestQual, S.L. TestQual, S.L. TestQual 146A Pesticides in Grapefruit + TestQual 146B pesticides in Peach [TestQual 146A Plaguicidas en Pomelo + TestQual 146B plaguicidas en melocotón] TestQual 146A Pesticides in Grapefruit + TestQual 146B pesticides in Peach [TestQual 146A Plaguicidas en Pomelo + TestQual 146B plaguicidas en melocotón] 2020-12-15
PT provider ID (119359)

813787 Spain TestQual, S.L. TestQual, S.L. TestQual 147 Fosetyl, phosphonic acid, maleic hydrazide, ethephon and glyphosate in arugula (rocket) [TestQual 147 Fosetil, ácicdo fosfónico, hidrazida maleica, etefón y glifosato en Rúcula] TestQual 147 Fosetyl, phosphonic acid, maleic hydrazide, ethephon and glyphosate in arugula (rocket) [TestQual 147 Fosetil, ácicdo fosfónico, hidrazida maleica, etefón y glifosato en Rúcula] 2021-04-22
PT provider ID (119359)

813809 Spain TestQual, S.L. TestQual, S.L. TestQual 148 Pesticides in Parsey [TestQual 148 Plaguicidas en Perejil] TestQual 148 Pesticides in Parsey [TestQual 148 Plaguicidas en Perejil] 2020-12-15
PT provider ID (119359)

813782 Spain TestQual, S.L. TestQual, S.L. TestQual 149 Dithiocarbamates in potato [TestQual 149 Ditiocarbamatos en patata] TestQual 149 Dithiocarbamates in potato [TestQual 149 Ditiocarbamatos en patata] 2020-12-15
PT provider ID (119359)

813814 Spain TestQual, S.L. TestQual, S.L. TestQual 151 Chlorate + Perchlorate + Quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC) in Green beans [TestQual 151 Clorato + Perclorato + compuestos cuaternarios de amonio (aminas cuaternarias) en Judías verdes.] TestQual 151 Chlorate + Perchlorate + Quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC) in Green beans [TestQual 151 Clorato + Perclorato + compuestos cuaternarios de amonio (aminas cuaternarias) en Judías verdes.] 2021-04-22
PT provider ID (119359)

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