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Initial Verification Steps for Sphygmomanometers

[Etapas de Verificação Inicial de Esfigmomanômetros]

EPTIS factsheet 543029 | Last revision 2022-10-03 | URL: https://www.eptis.bam.de/pts543029 https://www.eptis.bam.de/pts543029

PT provider
PT provider IPEM-SP - Instituto de Pesos e Medidas do Estado de São Paulo (Weights and Measures Institute of the State of Sao Paulo) IPEM-SP - Instituto de Pesos e Medidas do Estado de São Paulo (Weights and Measures Institute of the State of Sao Paulo)
Based in Brazil
Language(s) Português, English, Français
Product groups Health care / medical devices
Measuring instruments
Testing fields Non-destructive testing (NDT)
Technical details
Test item Tested property Testing method
Sphygmomanometer Test for the maximum permissible errors of the cuff pressure indication As described in NIT-Sefiq-025 and NIT-Sefiq-026 (Inmetro standards)
International Recommendation OIML R 148-2:2020 clause 1
International Recommendation OIML R 149-2:2020 clause 1
Marking of the device As described in NIT-Sefiq-025 and NIT-Sefiq-026 (Inmetro standards)
International Recommendation OIML R 148-1:2020 clause 7.4
International Recommendation OIML R 149-1:2020 clause 7.4
Cuff pressure deflation following an aborted measurement As described in NIT-Sefiq-026 (Inmetro standard)
International Recommendation OIML R 149-2:2020 clause 13
Test for air leakage of the pneumatic system As described in NIT-Sefiq-025 (Inmetro standard)
International Recommendation OIML R 148-2:2020 clause 4
Test for the hysteresis error of the aneroid manometer As described in NIT-Sefiq-025 (Inmetro standard)
International Recommendation OIML R 148-2:2020 clause 12
Aims of the PT scheme
Target group of participants Sphygmomanometer Testing Laboratories
Linked to specific legislation / standards International Recommendation OIML R 148-1:2020 International Recommendation OIML R 148-2:2020 International Recommendation OIML R 149-1:2020 International Recommendation OIML R 149-2:2020 Portaria Inmetro 341/2021 (Brazilian metrological regulation on sphygmomanometers) NIT-Sefiq-025 (Inmetro standard) NIT-Sefiq-026 (Inmetro standard)
Additional, subsidiary aims
Number of participants
Accredited or otherwise reviewed by a 3rd party
Operation is commissioned / requested by Inmetro
Fees and frequency
Participation fee
Regularly operated Yes (Biennial)
Year of first operation 2019
Contact details of the PT provider
Provider Contact person
IPEM-SP - Instituto de Pesos e Medidas do Estado de São Paulo (Weights and Measures Institute of the State of Sao Paulo)
Muriae, 154
04269-900 / São Paulo

Phone: +55 11 3581-2428
Web: http://www.ipem.sp.gov.br http://www.ipem.sp.gov.br
Mr. William Escaletti dos Anjos
Phone: +55 11 3581-2428
Email: pressao@ipem.sp.gov.br pressao@ipem.sp.gov.br
If you find any mistakes please contact the responsible EPTIS coordinator in Brazil, Mr Rodrigo Caciano de Sena. Mr Rodrigo Caciano de Sena.
Any questions or problems? Please contact us at eptis@bam.de.
Application version: 1.23-SNAPSHOT.20230502124635-7925ae379a631fc1ececff45d2921c8db38877d5