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ILT-U-1581 - Wine determinations

EPTIS factsheet 449173 | Last revision 2018-02-06 | URL: https://www.eptis.bam.de/pts449173 https://www.eptis.bam.de/pts449173

PT provider
PT provider ILT - Interlaboratory Test S.A. ILT - Interlaboratory Test S.A.
Based in Argentina
Language(s) English
Product groups Food and drink
Testing fields Analytical chemistry
Technical details
Test item Tested property Testing method
Wine Fixed acidity (acetic acid) Measurament
Total Acid Measurament
Ashes Measurament
Relative Density 20 °C Measurament
Reduced Dry Extract Measurament
Dry Extract Total Measurament
Alcohol Degree Real Measurament
Metanol Measurament
Organoleptic Measurament
pH Measurament
Alcohol Measurament
Aims of the PT scheme
Target group of participants
Linked to specific legislation / standards
Additional, subsidiary aims
Number of participants
Accredited or otherwise reviewed by a 3rd party
Operation is commissioned / requested by
Fees and frequency
Participation fee Please, Consult us!
Regularly operated Yes (Yearly)
Year of first operation 2017
Contact details of the PT provider
Provider Contact person
ILT - Interlaboratory Test S.A.
Canale 37. Adrogué
1846, Buenos Sires

Phone: + 54 11 4972 5004
Fax: + 54 11 4972 5004
Web: http://www.ptinterlaboratory.com http://www.ptinterlaboratory.com
Mr. Mariano Palacios
Phone: +54 11 6009 1221
Fax: + 54 11 6009 1231
Email: info@ptinterlaboratory.com info@ptinterlaboratory.com
If you find any mistakes please contact the responsible EPTIS coordinator in Argentina, Mr Mariano Palacios. Mr Mariano Palacios.
Any questions or problems? Please contact us at eptis@bam.de.
Application version: 1.23-SNAPSHOT.20230502124635-7925ae379a631fc1ececff45d2921c8db38877d5