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848917 Italy QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. Metals in sewage sludge [Metalli in fanghi di depurazione] Metals in sewage sludge [Metalli in fanghi di depurazione] 2023-04-18
PT provider ID (192704)

194513 Italy QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. Hydrocarbon Oil Index according to standard ISO 9377-2 in natural waters [Indice di Idrocarburi secondo la norma UNI EN ISO 9377-2 in acque naturali] Hydrocarbon Oil Index according to standard ISO 9377-2 in natural waters [Indice di Idrocarburi secondo la norma UNI EN ISO 9377-2 in acque naturali] 2023-08-25
PT provider ID (192704)

193523 Italy QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. Microbiological parameters in drinking water [Parametri microbiologici in acqua destinata al consumo umano ] Microbiological parameters in drinking water [Parametri microbiologici in acqua destinata al consumo umano ] 2023-08-25
PT provider ID (192704)

193511 Italy QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. Physical-Chemical parameters in natural waters [Parametri chimico fisici in acque naturali ] Physical-Chemical parameters in natural waters [Parametri chimico fisici in acque naturali ] 2023-07-04
PT provider ID (192704)

193505 Italy QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. Physical-Chemical parameters in wastewater [Parametri chimico fisici in acqua di scarico ] Physical-Chemical parameters in wastewater [Parametri chimico fisici in acqua di scarico ] 2023-07-04
PT provider ID (192704)

193499 Italy QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. Metals in natural waters [Metalli in acque naturali] Metals in natural waters [Metalli in acque naturali] 2023-08-25
PT provider ID (192704)

193493 Italy QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. Metals in wastewater [Metalli in acque di scarico ] Metals in wastewater [Metalli in acque di scarico ] 2023-08-25
PT provider ID (192704)

193487 Italy QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. Metals in contaminated soils [Metalli in suolo contaminato ] Metals in contaminated soils [Metalli in suolo contaminato ] 2023-08-25
PT provider ID (192704)

193395 Italy QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. Sewage Sludge Leaching test according to standard EN 12457-2 [Lisciviazione secondo la norma UNI EN 12457-2 in rfiuti solidi] Sewage Sludge Leaching test according to standard EN 12457-2 [Lisciviazione secondo la norma UNI EN 12457-2 in rfiuti solidi] 2019-12-05
PT provider ID (192704)

1073505 Italy QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in natural waters [Composti Organici Volatili (VOC) in acque naturali] Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in natural waters [Composti Organici Volatili (VOC) in acque naturali] 2023-08-25
PT provider ID (192704)

1073496 Italy QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. Pesticides in natural waters [Pesticidi in acque naturali] Pesticides in natural waters [Pesticidi in acque naturali] 2023-08-25
PT provider ID (192704)

1073459 Italy QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. QUALITYCHECK S.r.l.s. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in natural waters [Idrocarburi Policiclici Aromatici (IPA) in acque naturali] Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in natural waters [Idrocarburi Policiclici Aromatici (IPA) in acque naturali] 2023-08-25
PT provider ID (192704)

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